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Americas 2019


Industry & open stage talks

会议室: Exhibition Hall
日期: 2019年 8月 2日 星期五 从 09:30 至 18:00
组织形式: 公开演讲 > 在位于展区内的专用讲台上公开演讲,整个过程由会方视听团队录制。


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
09:30 Carbon Dioxide Theraphy: an underrated technique?: 查看 95259
09:45 Cellulite Treatment In The Gynecologist's Office 查看 95249
10:00 Care of the extracellular matrix 95979
10:15 3PF 3 Point Full Face Fanning Technique 查看 95188
10:30 A novel approach for nose shaping to avoid surgical rhinoplasty: PDO threads versus fillers 查看 85734
10:45 New minimally invasive technique for rejuvenation of the lower facial and cervical third 查看 86276
11:00 ECM development for safer and better aesthetic outcomes 查看 86708
11:15 Patient and physician satisfaction with abobotulinumtoxinA treatment of glabellar lines: A systematic literature review 95895
11:30 Neck rejuvenation with absorbable threads 查看 84199
11:45 Use of novel adhesive silicone dressing to prevent post-surgical keloid formation and hypertrophic scar 查看 86926
12:00 Optimal face reshaping with polycaprolactone - the safe biostimulator 查看 95832
12:15 Effective removal of a permanent tattoo with PRP: a rare case report 查看 87960
12:30 BREAK 95899
14:15 A holistic approach in treating chronically sun-damaged skin 查看 83719
14:30 Focused ultrasound treatments in decreasing circumference of mapped fatty body areas in slimming centers 查看 86904
14:45 Clinical response characteristics of abobotulinumtoxinA: a long duration of effect and the impact on patient satisfaction 95894
15:00 Recent advances in electromagnetic stimulation - New evidence of changes in muscle and fat tissue for non-invasive body sculpting 查看 95241
15:15 Harmony in aesthetic intimate surgery: surgical techniques combination 查看 87910
15:30 Efficacy and safety of treatment with incobotulinum toxin A in patients with acne 查看 84635
15:45 Onset and duration of abobotulinumtoxinA treatment of glabellar lines: A systematic literature review 95980