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World Congress 2018

聚焦 S065, S066

Rhinoplasty: lower third & nasal tip (in collaboration with IRRS)

会议室: Room 9
日期: 2018年 2月 1日 星期四 从 09:00 至 12:00
组织形式: 聚焦课程 > 涵盖大会的一个主要议题
目标: In continuation of the IRRS meeting beginning January 31, the speakers will present the most salient details of the major techniques in nasal tip and base reshaping through 3 minutes videos. The videos will be discussed by Rollin Daniel, Dean Toriumi, and then by the faculty and attendees.


Rick DAVIS 医师
Charles Anthony EAST 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
09:00 Welcome day 2 66375
09:01 Anatomy of the nasal tip 61299
09:07 Cephalic fold-under flap 61319
09:15 Pearls for lateral crural repositioning 64871
09:23 Alar transposition with caudal turn-in-flap 64873
09:31 Lateral crural repositioning 61323
09:41 Lateral crural tensioning - PanRhinorama 64817
09:51 Round table discussion 64819
09:51 Round table discussion 66379
09:51 Round table discussion 66381
10:01 Alar wedges 66383
10:09 Oblique turn-over crural flap 66385
10:17 Tongue-in-groove 66387
10:25 Tongue-in-groove 66389
10:33 The projectometer in rhinoplasty 66391
10:41 Advanced tip surgery 66393
10:48 Posterior strut for an elastic tip 66395
10:56 "Shoe lace" columellar strut sutures 66399
11:04 How to enhance cranial tip sutures 66401
11:12 Round table discussion 66403
11:12 Round table discussion 66405
11:12 Round table discussion 66407
