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World Congress 2019

聚焦 S334

Video paper - Contributed talks: anti-aging & cosmeceuticals

会议室: Courtyard (Exhibition Hall - Level 2)
日期: 2019年 2月 2日 星期六 从 15:00 至 16:00
组织形式: 公开演讲 > 在位于展区内的专用讲台上公开演讲,整个过程由会方视听团队录制。


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
15:00 Effects of collagen bioactive peptides and natural antioxidants on proliferation and matrix protein: synthesis by cultured human dermal fibroblasts 查看 82243
15:15 Effectiveness of 1% caffeine gel in mild and moderate acne vulgaris therapy 查看 82259
15:30 Digital aging – Does the smartphone make us look old? 查看 82787
15:45 The art and science of the perfect pout 查看 83079