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World Congress 2019


会议室: 网络直播工作室 - 338M室
日期: 2019年 2月 2日 星期六 从 09:00 至 18:00
组织形式: 预先录制 > 预先录制演示文稿以备将来使用


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
09:20 Toxins treatment of the upper face asymmetry 查看 71609
09:40 Lower third male beautification with HA fillers and neuromodulators 查看 81293
10:00 Periareolar augmentation mastopexy with anatomical implants, the double approach 查看 80459
10:20 Facial plastic surgery vs injections 查看 82027
10:40 Cultivating enteroception and body awareness to stop the aging process 查看 77239
11:20 Pre-recorded webinar May - What do we really know about melasma? 83165
11:40 Different HA for the vulva / vagina regeneration 查看 80067
14:00 Dermal fillers injections for lips 查看 79931
14:20 Open or close rhinoplasty: how to decide? 查看 80025
15:00 Refinements in mammaplasty using silicon implants: a Brazilian perspective 查看 69967
15:20 Tranexamic acid: important agent to effectively treat hyperpigmentation 查看 79887
15:40 Bridging the gap: between fillers and fat grafting 查看 78427
16:00 Pre-recorded webinar March - Hot topics in stem cell therapies 查看 83167
16:20 Late-onset hypersensitivity reactions secondary to HA filler injections: review and proposed protocol 查看 71811