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IMCAS World Congress 2023

聚焦 S233

NextGen surgery - Awards

会议室: Amphi Bordeaux - Level 3
日期: 2023年 1月 28日 星期六 从 16:00 至 17:00
组织形式: 竞赛 > 在著名评审团面前进行竞争,以介绍和推广突破性的项目和/或研究


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:00 Jury 120414
16:00 Jury 120416
16:00 Jury 120418
16:00 Jury 124128
16:00 NEXTGEN SURGERY AWARD - Carbon-assisted Q-switched Nd: YAG laser and microneedling delivery of botulinum toxin: a new combined treatment 查看 120419
16:10 Q&A 120420
16:12 NEXTGEN SURGERY AWARD - 3D surface scanner in facial surgery - Indications, advantages and case presentation 查看 121034
16:22 Q&A 121035
16:24 NEXTGEN SURGERY AWARD - Soft-tissue correction method for a sunken eyelid 查看 121036
16:34 Q&A 121037
16:36 NEXTGEN SURGERY AWARD - Treatment of connective tissue disorder with micro and nanofat - Case report 查看 123312
16:46 Q&A 123313
16:48 Announcement of the NextGen surgery Award 2023 Winner 123314