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IMCAS World Congress 2024

聚焦 148

Clinical dermatology & dermatologic surgery - Contributed talks

会议室: Room 341 - Level 3
日期: 2024年 2月 2日 星期五 从 08:30 至 10:00
组织形式: 投稿演讲 > 基于对提交的演示文稿摘要的审核,学术委员会通过的投稿演讲。


Antonio A G MASSA Prof
Maria Cristina PUYAT 医师


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
08:30 Exploring the link between salivary pH, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and acne vulgaris: a controlled study 查看 130829
08:39 Novel pathway for melasma: opening up new treatment options 查看 130832
08:48 Botulinum toxin efficacy in facial and neck scar treatment 查看 130833
08:57 A pilot study of combined use of fractional microneedling with RF and plant-derived exosomes for the treatment of melasma in Asian patients 查看 130834
09:06 The combined effect of CO2 laser, topical diclofenac 3%, and imiquimod 5% in treating high-risk basal cell carcinoma 查看 133515
09:15 Changing the paradigm in management of atrophic post-acne scarring with injectable skin boosters 查看 133514
09:24 Safety and efficacy of combination therapies with microneedling for treating different types of acne scars: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 查看 130830
09:33 Microwave ablation of eccrine glands for hyperhidrosis in residual limbs 查看 135985
09:42 Q&A 130836