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Hind MOUSSAOUI's 的发布 (2)

Effect of plasma exchange in acute respiratory failure due to Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis.

12, 2018

Acute respiratory failure related to diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a typical presentation of small-vessel vasculitis that requires prompt multidisciplinary management. The primary treatment is based on immunosuppressive drugs, whereas urgent plasma exchange has been proposed in case of life-threatening complications. We addressed the course of respiratory failure in 12 patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis-related DAH. 更多详情

Critical care (London, England)

A novel guinea pig model of Chlamydia trachomatis genital tract infection.

Aug, 2011

Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infections often result in pelvic inflammatory disease and sequelae including infertility and ectopic pregnancies. In addition to the already established murine models, the development of other animal models is necessary to study the safety and efficacy of prototype vaccine candidates. The intravaginal infection of guinea pigs with C. trachomatis has been tested in three independent studies. The first two studies investigated the effect of hormonal treatment of the animals prior to infection with serovars D and E. The results showed that estradiol treatment was required for sustained infection. The third study conducted an immunization-challenge experiment to explore the feasibility of measuring protection in this guinea pig model. C. trachomatis bacteria were sampled using vaginal swabs and measured by qPCR. Using immunohistochemistry the bacteria were detected in the oviducts 19 days post-infection, indicating that the estradiol treatment resulted in ascending infection. Furthermore, immunization of guinea pigs with live EB formulated with ISCOM matrix led to reduction of cervico-vaginal shedding and diminished the severity of pathology. In this study we have developed a new guinea pig model of C. trachomatis female genital tract infection for the purpose of evaluating potential vaccine candidates. 更多详情
