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Ignazio TASCA's 的发布 (16)

EAACI Position paper on the standardization of nasal allergen challenges.

08, 2018

Nasal allergen challenge (NAC) is an important tool to diagnose allergic rhinitis. In daily clinical routine, experimentally, or when measuring therapeutic success clinically, nasal allergen challenge is fundamental. It is further one of the key diagnostic tools when initiating specific allergen immunotherapy. So far, national recommendations offered guidance on its execution; however, international divergence left many questions unanswered. These differences in the literature caused EAACI to initiate a task force to answer unmet needs and find a consensus in executing nasal allergen challenge. On the basis of a systematic review containing nasal allergen challenges of the past years, task force members reviewed evidence, discussed open issues, and studied variations of several subjective and objective assessment parameters to propose a standardized way of a nasal allergen challenge procedure in clinical practice. Besides an update on indications, contraindications, and preparations for the test procedure, main recommendations are a bilaterally challenge with standardized allergens, with a spray device offering 0.1 mL per nostril. A systematic catalogue for positivity criteria is given for the variety of established subjective and objective assessment methods as well as a schedule for the challenge procedure. The task force recommends a unified protocol for NAC for daily clinical practice, aiming at eliminating the previous difficulty of comparing NAC results due to unmet needs. 更多详情


High-definition video telescopic rhinoplasty.

Dec, 2016

Optical magnification has become an essential tool in rhinologic practice, especially following the popularisation of endoscopic procedures for nasal sinus surgery. We describe the use of VITOM technology in rhinoplasty, which to our knowledge has not been reported in the international literature to date. This approach to rhinoplasty markedly improves visualisation of the surgical field, thereby improving the understanding of the procedures and enhancing the teaching environment. Since VITOM technology works by combining the telescope with a standard endoscopic setting, video telescopic rhinoplasty may be easily and inexpensively performed in any ENT department provided with this instrumentation. 更多详情

Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale

In memoriam Prof. Giorgio Sulsenti (1930-2015).

Sep, 2015

