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Tatjana PAVICIC 医师


Tatjana Pavicic 医生是一名获得委员会认证的皮肤科医生,专门从事整容手术和美容治疗,她在慕尼黑拥有自己的私人诊所。


她是国际知名的高级美容皮肤病学和外科手术讲师和培训师。 Pavicic 博士是多个国家和国际皮肤病学和美容学会的成员。她是国际皮肤美容外科联盟 (DASIL) 的财务主管、国际去角质学会秘书长、英卡思学院科学委员会成员、皮肤药学学会皮肤美容小组前任主席、国际皮肤外科学会前任主委会成员,以及 Merz 高级美学研究所的全球教员。

在慕尼黑路德维希马克西米利安大学学习医学后,她于 2004 年在“Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie der LMU”开始了她的皮肤科职业生涯,并于 2008 年获得医学会认证。从 2007 年到 2014 年,她担任部门负责人用于美容和激光皮肤病学。

自 2001 年以来,Pavicic医生 在皮肤病学和美学领域的国际期刊上发表了大量文章。她的主要研究领域之一是填充剂并发症和联合治疗。她参与了多项不同分子和化合物的研究(肉毒杆菌毒素、真皮填充剂、天然透明质酸、皮肤化妆品、激光、果皮等)。此外,Pavicic 博士还在上海和瓦伦达尔的 WHU 接受了医疗管理和营销方面的培训。

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Tatjana PAVICIC's 的发布 (39)

Arterial Wall Penetration Forces in Needles versus Cannulas.

03, 2019

If safety is defined as the diminished ability to penetrate facial arteries, the goal of this study was to investigate whether different-sized cannulas are safer than correspondingly sized needles for the application of facial soft-tissue fillers. 更多详情

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Age and Gender Differences of the Frontal Bone: A Computed Tomographic (CT)-Based Study.

06, 2019

Age-related changes of the frontal bone in both males and females have received limited attention, although understanding these changes is crucial to developing the best surgical and nonsurgical treatment plans for this area. 更多详情

Aesthetic surgery journal

The Anatomy behind Adverse Events in Hand Volumizing Procedures: Retrospective Evaluations of 11 Years of Experience.

05, 2018

To retrospectively evaluate the rate of adverse events after hand volumizing procedures using a calcium hydroxylapatite product and to investigate the relationship between injector used (i.e., needle versus cannula) and technique applied (i.e., bolus, tenting, proximal-to-distal fanning, distal-to-proximal single line). 更多详情

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Tatjana PAVICIC's 学术团体 (3)