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World Congress 2020

ФОКУС НА S137, S138


Фокус на программу
Зал: Room 141 - level 1
Дата: пятница 31 января 2020 в 08:00 до 10:00
Формат: ФОКУС-СЕССИЯ > лекции по основной теме конгресса


Prof Pierre - Andre BECHEREL
Доктор Manuel Dario FRANCO

Лекции сессии

Время Спикеры Заголовок сессии Абстракт Номер
08:00 Presentation of Argentinian society of dermatology 100076
08:05 Adverse cutaneous reactions to TNF-alpha blockers and its management 93990
08:17 What is the future in psoriasis 100488
08:29 Botulinum toxin in psoriasis plaques, and its advances - Part 1 96647
08:41 Botulinum toxin in psoriasis plaques, and its advances - Part 2 98191
08:53 The prevelance of hypocalcaemia and streptococcal infection in psoriasis vulgaris Посмотреть 98187
09:05 Current treatment recommendations Посмотреть 93989
09:17 Intralesional steroid injections and laser treatment for nail psoriasis 98631
09:29 Anti-IL-23: not just a new number, but a revolution in the concept and our therapeutic strategy in psoriasis ((unrestricted educational grant from Almirall) Посмотреть 98189
09:41 Q&A 93993