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IMCAS Asia 2018


IMCAS Alert - Clinical cases review: injectables

Room: Room 6
Date: Friday 13 July 2018 at 17:30 to 18:30
Format: CLINICAL CASE STUDY > unusual or difficult cases laid forth by experts followed by assessment of different treatment outcomes and patient care


Dr Thomas RAPPL
Plastic Surgeon

Lectures of the session

Hours Speakers Lecture title Abstract Number
17:30 Introduction of IMCAS Alert View 69387
17:33 Present the clinical case 1 75837
17:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75063
17:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75065
17:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75067
17:36 Experts debate: how do I treat 75195
17:46 Conclusion on the case 1 75845
17:50 Present the clinical case 2 75839
17:53 Experts debate: how do I treat 75869
18:03 Conclusion on the case 2 75871
18:07 Present the clinical case 3 75841
18:10 Experts debate: how do I treat 75851
18:20 Conclusion on the case 3 75853
18:24 Questions and answers 75855