Objectives: Understanding the characteristics of different types of pigmentations
Introduction: Pigmentation problems can manifest either congenitally, appearing from birth, or acquired later in life due to certain conditions. These pigmentation issues often serve as indicators of photodamage, prompting many patients to seek treatment. A comprehensive understanding of the causes and characteristics of pigmentation problems is crucial for effective treatment and prevention strategies.
Materials / method: A literature review and personal experience about various types of pigmentations. Emphasizing clinical presentation, underlying causes or contributing factors, melanin depth in histological studies, and the selection of treatment modalities.
Results: Epidermal pigments such as solar lentigo, freckles, and dermal pigmentations such ota nevus, hori’s nevus and mixed types like postinflamatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) , melasma, café au lait macules, Becker’s nevus, etc. The focus will be on presenting the clinical characteristics of each type, exploring the causes or contributing factors, and treatment modalities and their efficacy for each pigmentation type will be provided.
Conclusion: Understand the nature , depth, contributing factors of different pigmentations is crucial for better management .
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