Objectives: To know how to treat hematomas with lasers
Introduction: Echymoses or bruising occurs due to local hemorrhage and red blood cell extravasation into soft tissues. It can develop after a trauma, a surgical procedure, a cosmetical procedure, or even spontaneously especially in patients taking anticoagulant drugs or with coagulation alterations.Although ecchymoses resolve spontaneously, the discoloration associated might persist up to two weeks in many cases. This represents a potential social impairment due to cosmetical concerns, mainly in those patients with extense hematomas affecting non-covered areas. Therefore, the effective and safe treatment of
Materials / method: I will show my personal experience on how and when could we treat these hematomas, specially on the face and also the risks associated with this procedure
Results: Results will be shown
Conclusion: Lasers and lights are a good tool to help removing hematomas in a fast way. Treatment with pulsed-dye laser is safe and effective for expeditious resolution of ecchymoses of almost any origin and in any location. Short pulse duration and high energy fluences represent the most effective settings.However, more conservative parameters can be considered depending on the case. The most important issue when assesing an echymoses for laser treatment is its coloration, since it correlates with the amount of hemoglobin and its derivates. Red to violaceous echymoses are expected to have better response
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