Objectives: Skin Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation is a common skin concern that affects patients of all skin types. Apart from a frequent aesthetic concern, facial hyperpigmentation negatively impacts self-perceptions and social/emotional functioning, resulting in increased social anxiety and disability.
Exosomes are extracellular nanovesicles produced by cells, that are known to own anti-inflammatory and anti-pigmentary properties. Rose stem cell derived exosomes are a novel therapeutic option for facial pigmentation with significant clinical evidence to improv pigmentation and skin health
Introduction: Facial pigmentation is multifactorial and is related to a variety of factors including sun exposure, hormonal imbalances, genetics, skin inflammation, medications, and systemic disease. Rose Stem cells derived exosomes (RSCE) are a novel cosmeceutical treatment approved for topical application on the skin, with significant in vitro data to show improvement of skin thickness, pigmentation and texture. We hypothesized that RSCE can potentially improve skin pigmentary disorders, and therefore ameliorate
Materials / method: 12 female participants were recruited, with skin type ranging between 2-4 (mean age 46.64+\-13,05). Patients were diagnosed with facial pigmentation (5 patients with melasma, 3 with age spots and 4 with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). The treatment protocol included 3 sessions of microneedling, with topical application of 5ml of RSCE, spaced 3 weeks apart. Clinical photography and imaging analysis, for skin pigmentation, erythema and wrinkles were documented at baseline (V0) and at the end of the study(4 weeks after the last treatment-V4). DLQI was completed by the patients at V0 and V4.
Results: There was a significant decreased in the % of photodamaged skinat V4(mean UV pigmentation% at V4=38,2+/-11,5) compared to V0 (mean UV pigmentation% at V0= 45,3+/-10,8; repeated ANOVA mean difference=8,901, P=0,12). The % of superficial dark spots significantly decreased at V4 (mean dark spots% at V4=33,4+/-7,4), compared to V0 (mean dark spots% at V0=39,8+/-8,9; P=0,000). The %of sensitive red skin markedly improved by 7.4%+/-0.05 (P=0,000). The %of wrinkles also significantly improved (P=0.13). A significant improvement in DLQI was noted at V4 (P=0,006)
Conclusion: According to our data, microneedling with a topical RSCE- based blend can improve skin pigmentation, inflammation, and texture while it's a safe and well-tolerated treatment. This is the first clinical study to demonstrate the efficacy of RSCE on aesthetic skin concerns and the associated psychosocial impact. Future studies are required to further elucidate the therapeutic role of RSCE on human skin.
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