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1 lecture / chair

Dr Shubham DEOKAR


As a burgeoning dermatology resident, I am driven by an unwavering passion for advancing the field of dermatology and improving patient outcomes through diligent research, care, and continuous learning.

During my medical training, I have been fortunate to work alongside esteemed mentors and experts in dermatology, immersing myself in diverse clinical settings and research endeavors. These experiences have honed my clinical acumen and ignited a fervent commitment to scholarly inquiry.  

Through my involvement in these research endeavors, I have cultivated a keen aptitude for critically appraising scientific literature, designing rigorous experiments, and disseminating findings through scholarly publications and presentations.

As a resident, I am dedicated to harnessing my clinical experiences and research insights to drive meaningful advancements in dermatologic care. I am particularly passionate about leveraging emerging technologies and interdisciplinary collaborations to enhance diagnostic accuracy and optimize treatment strategies.

Participating in IMCAS presents an unparalleled opportunity to engage with esteemed colleagues, exchange perspectives, and catalyze transformative change in the field. I am eager to share my research endeavors, glean insights from fellow luminaries, and contribute to the collective pursuit of excellence in dermatologic practice and scholarship. 

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