Dr Gilbert ZAKINE is a MD, PhD, with a private activity in Paris. He has been Head of an Universitary Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Burn Unit.
His formation has been done in Paris; he has an Habilitation for Research Direction (HDR), a Doctorate of Sciences of Paris University (2005), a Doctorate of Medicine of Paris University (2000), the European Board of Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (2001) and the French national diploma of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (DESC, 2001)
He is a Past Clinical Chief-Assistant and Past Intern of Paris Hospitals.
He wines the Gold Medal of Surgery of Paris Hospitals and a Price of the French National Academy of Surgery in 1999. His others diploma are : a Master of Sciences of Paris University (1998), the French Diploma of Burn Treatment (1997), the French Diploma of Microsurgery (1998) and the French Diploma of Hand Surgery (2000).
He is Member of: the Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic French National Syndicate (SNCPRE), the Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic French Society (SOFCPRE), the Plastic and Aesthetic surgeon French Society (SOFCEP), the French Society of Burns Treatment (SFETB)
Dr Gilbert ZAKINE wrote many papers and has given more than 350 international scientific lectures.
His clinical lectures are on the following subjects: gluteal lipofilling; security in abdominoplasty; body-contouring surgery after massive weight loss; closed rhinoplasty in non caucasian; mastopexy augmentation; breast reduction in gigantomastia; security in fillers injection, dermal substitutes in burn surgery.
Enhancement of skin and tissular healing is one of his main domains of research.