Dr. Ines Verner is a Specialist Dermatologist working for more than 20 years in Aesthetic Dermatology. She is founder of Verner Clinic for Aesthetics, Laser and Dermatology in Tel Aviv, Israel. Dr Verner graduated from the University of Amsterdam Medical School in the Netherlands, then specialized in Dermatology in Jerusalem at Hadassah University Hospital and followed a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University in the USA. She is on the scientific committee of multiple internatinal congresses, on the editorial board of several journals, wrote several book chapters and lectures and teaches Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dermatology worldwide. She served as President of the Israel Society for Dermatologic Surgery and as President of the European Society for Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD). Currently she is Professor of Dermatology and Regenerative Medicine, University of Rome " Guglielmo Marconi ".