Certified Consultant Dermatology, Aesthetic Medicine and Andrology,
Chief of Dermatology , Aesthetic Medicine , and Andrology Cosomoclinica unit in Skin and Slim Medical center in Abu Dhabi with (30)" years of professional medical experience.
Chairman of UAE Aesthetic medicine forum,
Chairman of AIDA congress (www.aidacongress.com)
Chairman of the International Board of Cosmetic Surgery Middle East Branch (IBCS)
Chairman of Vision Care Health Services Licensing , Health Recruitments ,and Health Educational Company.
Chairman of the International Medical Academy for Training (Imed Academy).
Dermatologist , Botox , Fillers ,and laser Instructor Chellsey institute of beauty & health Toronto Canada.
A member of multiple reputable national and international organizations,
Author for 5 books published in Middle East area , Speaker in different scientific activities and medical professional Conferences meeting since 1998 to present (225 scientific conferences and meetings) , Published different articles in Dermatology , Aeshetic Medicine and Andrology Nationally and Internationally.
Authorized certified trainer in aesthetic medicine certified CME Accredited Basic and Advanced Courses Nationally and Internationally in Botox , Filler ,Skin Conditioning Protocols , Chemical Peeling and Physical Peelings , Lasers in Dermatological and Aesthetic Medicine , Aesthetic Medicine in Acne Management , Threads Face and body lifting , Anti-Aging Medicine, Sclerotherpy ,Pain Management in Aesthetic Medicine ,Cellulite Management ,Management of Skin Pigmentation Disorders, Hair Disorders Management , Mesotherapy , PRP , fat injections and minimal liposuction.
Graduated MB.B.CH Faculty of medicine – Alkasser Alani – Cairo University. 1985 – 1991 , With Multiple Certified Boards ,Courses , PhD, and MD.