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Prof Thierry PASSERON

After his medical training Thierry Passeron specialized in Dermatology in the department of Pr. Jean-Paul Ortonne in Nice University Hospital. He worked also one year in Principal Hospital of Dakar, Senegal. In 2003 he published his thesis on the use of Excimer laser in Dermatology. He worked as clinical assistant in the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Nice from 2003-2005. Concomitantly he developed fundamental researches in the laboratory of Dr Robert Ballotti (INSERM U895). From 2005 to 2007, he worked in the laboratory of Dr. Vincent J. Hearing at the National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, USA) and characterized the role of SOX9 in melanocytes and in melanoma. He passed his PhD in 2008. Since 2010, he is full Professor of Dermatology in the University hospital of Nice. He also heads the laboratory INSERM U1065 team 12, C3M dedicated to the research of melanocytic differentiation. He heads the University laser center in Nice. He has three international patents and more than 120 publications in scientific journals (h-index 28). His fields of research include pigmentary disorders (including vitiligo and melasma), melanoma and lasers.
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