Jeremy PATARIN has 8 years experience in industrial rheology, applied to formulation and flow processes. After graduating as an engineering degree in fluid mechanics and a thesis in rheology, Jeremy launches Rheonova in 2011, a spin-off activity from Grenoble University.
Rheonova's ambition is to make rheology accessible to as many people as possible by capitalizing on the experience gained on fluid materials in all fields of industry: chemistry, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, health,... Rheonova proposes specifically analytical services for aesthetic medicine, to assess the dermal filler performance thanks to rheometry.
Today Jérémy is President of Rheonova, founded in 2014 with 10 employees and around 150 clients (group and SMEs), 24% of which are international. The ambition for the future is to propose solutions including equipment to simplify the use of rheology and to democratize its use.